Evidence-Based Treatments

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and Response Prevention, also known as ERP, is a form of cognitive behavior therapy. It is also considered the “gold standard” treatment for OCD and related disorders. During ERP, the person purposely exposes themselves to a situation that will result in obsessional thinking and discomfort.

ERP helps change the way the person responds to the obsessions and discomfort. Instead of engaging in compulsions that only temporarily reduce discomfort, the person will learn to manage them differently. Over time, the feared situation becomes less uncomfortable and more easily managed.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, also known as ACT, is another form of therapy that is used with OCD treatment.

The foundation of ACT is acceptance of difficult experiences but also the commitment of moving forward toward one’s goals and being true to one’s values. ACT is mindfulness based in which it encourages the practice of “being in the moment” and allowing thoughts, feelings and urges to be present without reacting to them in an unproductive way.